Sunday, 15 December 2013


Sunday, 15 December, 2013 | 13:26 WIB
Sasando, Indonesia's Most Distinctive Instrument 

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy once again hold the Wonderful Indonesia 2013 Appreciation Night on December 12 at Ballroom Ritz-Carlton, Pacific Palace. The event was opened by Hermawan Kertajaya, the CEO and Founder of MarkPlus Inc and was presenting the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sapta Nirwandar, as the keynote speaker.
The event is a form of appreciation from the Ministry to tourism industry stakeholders in Indonesia, which have developed tourism potentials in their respective regions.
In the appreciation night, Rote Island in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) was promoted as the real wonder of the world destination, particularly for its traditional music and instruments, the Sasando.
"Sasando music is distinctive to Rote Island. The musical instrument can only be found in East Nusa Tenggara," said Sapta.
'Wonderful of The World 2013' concert became one of many ways to conserve and develop the traditional music instrument Sasando, so that it could be known around the world.
"The world has recognized the unique and melodious Sasando instrument. We often perform Sasando in many international occasions and there always an excellent responses from the audiences," Sapta continued. The music that grows from the local wisdom is expected to create harmony in establishing creative industries as a tourism attraction.
The appreciation night was enlivened by 'Orkes Sasando' who performed folk songs from NTT, matching with the night's theme of "The Great Indonesian Songbook, Sound from Rote Ndao". Hundreds of Rote Ndao musicians took part in the orchestra that was led by Dwiki Dharmawan. Several famous Indonesian singers such as David Naif, Lea Simanjuntak, Monita Tahalea, Ivan Nestorman, and Zaneta Naomi were also featured in the concert.


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